How to Keep Your Home Secure While You're at the Cottage

June 25, 2019

Hiring a house sitter is easier than ever in 2019. There are numerous benefits you may not have even thought of, which is why house sitting has become a more viable option for many. There are a lot of choices and plenty of reasons to join in with the house sitting revolution while you enjoy a trip to your holiday home.

If you love your cottage, but don’t like the idea of leaving your home unattended or you worry about all the work you have to do at both, this article will outline some key reasons why hiring a house sitter may be your best option.

Pet Care and More

If you have pets, they’re often the first thing you think of when going away, even if it’s just for a few days. We all love our pets, and making sure they are taken care of is a top priority.

Though some pets can be easily packed up with the family and taken to the cottage, not all pets are transportable, which means you’d need to make other arrangements to ensure they’re taken care of. If you can’t get family and friends to take your cats or dogs for a week, a house sitter could be a top option for making your pets are looked after.

House sitters can not only feed and water your pets, but they can also make sure they get plenty of attention and stimulation — a far better choice than having someone come in to feed them once a day. One of the reasons that people tend to become house sitters is the opportunity to work with animals and travel.

By letting a house sitter take the pets for a week, you ensure they can stay in their own environment rather than have to be taken to a new kennel or cattery.

As well as house sitters being a good option for getting your pet the attention they deserve, they might make more sense financially, too. Hiring a house sitter often works out to be far more affordable than even a week of taking your pets to kennels. House sitting and pets go hand-in-hand so many house sitting jobs include pet sitting as part of the job description.

Taking Deliveries

When you get home from your vacation, the last thing you want to do is head to the store to get a weeks worth of groceries or to go and pick up missed deliveries from the post office. By having someone in the home while you aren’t there, you can get groceries delivered in the time you are away, ready for when you come back and ensure that mail and any other deliveries are signed for by your house sitter.

Your Own Private Security

One main reason to hire a house sitter is home security. When you have a house sitter, the chances of home invasions or burglaries are a lot lower when it is clear that the house is occupied. Burglars are smart enough to know that just a light left on doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s someone in the home.

Of course, a house sitter is not expected to go too far out of their way to monitor or deter, but just having somebody occupying your home is looked upon favourably by insurers and means that your household goods are far likely to stay safe.

Doing the Chores (If You Ask Nicely)

Many house sitters may also be open to helping you out around the house by performing basic chores if you make this a part of the agreement and compensate accordingly. However, this can vary depending on who you hire and their willingness to take on other duties. But if you don’t want to worry about the chores required in managing two properties at once, this is definitely something you should consider asking. If you’re lucky, your house sitters may be willing to do some light cleaning or yard maintenance while you are away so you don’t come back to a messy home and yard.

In Conclusion

Though many people think of house sitting as being an unnecessary expense, in the long run, it could actually save you both time and money depending on your needs. Additionally, hiring a house sitter is a relatively straightforward process, especially when using a service like Plus, it is a much better option than using kennels for your pets and can help you stop worrying about your home so you can focus on your relaxing time away.

This article is a guest post written by Ben Jacklin.