House Sitting Opportunities & Jobs in Prairie Village, Kansas
Over 1 million people have used to keep their home running while they're away
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2 Prairie Village House Sitter Jobs Found
Chris W
Prairie Village, Kansas
Active over a week ago
One time House Check-In - Prairie Village
HI, just looking for someone to check in on my house in Prairie Village. Would love for you to water some plants but not necessary!
HI, just looking for someone to check in on my house in Prairie Village. Would love for you to water some plants but not necessary!
Ms S
Prairie Village, Kansas
Active over a week ago
Searching for a Knowledgeable Housesitter in Prairie Village
I hope you are having a good day. I'm hoping to hire a housesitter working in Prairie Village, Kansas. I'm hoping to chat with...
I hope you are having a good day. I'm hoping to hire a housesitter working in Prairie Village, Kansas. I'm hoping to chat with a trustworthy, experienced person who has one-time availability.
Our home would benefit from pool maintenance, mail collecting, and laundry. It is preferable if you have experience training pets. Our top employee would have house s...
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