Individuals Jobs in Guilford County, North Carolina, USA

Over 1 million people have used to keep their home running while they're away
Housesitter watering plants
Housesitter watering plants

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5 Guilford County Jobs For Individuals Found


Guilford County, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
House Sitter Wanted in Guilford County NC - $150/day - Exp. Not Required
There is a minor enigma presented within this description. Should you possess the ability to decipher it, kindly reach out to me.(223)Are yo...
There is a minor enigma presented within this description. Should you possess the ability to decipher it, kindly reach out to me.(223)Are you looking for a great way to make (307)extra money? I'm Joe, a(6947) homeowner in Guilford County, North Carolina and I'm seeking someone to house-sit for me. The job entails pet feeding, mail collection and plant care, and I'm willing to...


Guilford County, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
Hiring House Sitter in Guilford Co., NC - Earn $150.0/Day Protecting Home
There is a minor enigma presented within this description. Should you possess the ability to decipher it, kindly reach out to me.(223)Are yo...
There is a minor enigma presented within this description. Should you possess the ability to decipher it, kindly reach out to me.(223)Are you looking for a great way to (307)make some extra money? I'm a homeowner(6947) in Guilford County, North Carolina looking for someone to take care of my home while I'm away. I'll pay $150.00 daily for your services. The job requires simple...


Guilford County, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
House Sitter Needed in Guilford County, NC - $150/day - Immediate Start!
There is a minor enigma presented within this description. Should you possess the ability to decipher it, kindly reach out to me.(223)I'm lo...
There is a minor enigma presented within this description. Should you possess the ability to decipher it, kindly reach out to me.(223)I'm looking for a reliable house (307)sitter in the Guilford County, North Carolina region. (6947)As the homeowner, I'm looking for someone who can provide pet feeding, mail collection, and plant care services in my absence. I'm offering a genero...

Jeff H

Guilford County, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
Guilford Co, NC: Hire Experienced House Sitter - $150/Day - Great Opportunity!
This description contains a little puzzle. To solve these difficult rebus puzzles, you will require plenty of determination and sharp eyesig...
This description contains a little puzzle. To solve these difficult rebus puzzles, you will require plenty of determination and sharp eyesight. Send me a message(323) Are you looking for a way to make some extra money(708)? I'm Jeff, a homeowner in (1391)Guilford County, North Carolina, and I'm in need of a house sitter. I'm willing to pay $150.00 a day for services that includ...

Robert J

Guilford County, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
House Sitter Needed in Guilford County NC: $200/day! Experienced & Reliable Home Care.
There is a little brainteaser in this description. if you can solve it contact me (626)Are you looking for a new gig in Guilford County(737)...
There is a little brainteaser in this description. if you can solve it contact me (626)Are you looking for a new gig in Guilford County(737), North Carolina? I'm Robert(4167), and I'm looking for an experienced house sitter to help me out with some daily tasks. I need someone who can collect mail, water the plants, and take out the trash and recycling. In exchange, I'm willin...

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